Overview of 2016 IG P&I Club General Increases (Final)

The following is solely in respect of the Mutual P&I entries and excludes FD&D, fixed premium entries and charterer’s liability.  The headline General Increase numbers are as follows and will be updated as each Club announces: American Club – 2.5% Britannia – 2.5% Gard – 2.5% Japan – 3% London – 5% North of England – 2.5% Shipowners – 0% Skuld – (not applicable) ...

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Reduction in the IG Excess Reinsurance Programme for 2015

Negotiations have been finalised for the International Group General Excess of Loss reinsurance contract and the favourable Pool claims experience for 2012, 2013 and 2014 policy years, have enabled the group to achieve rate reductions: minus 8.11% for clean and dirty tankers minus 6.05% for dry cargo vessels and no increase for passenger vessels and chartered entries. The Clubs apart from ...

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Britannia P&I Club 2015 General Increase announced

Britannia has announced an 2.5% general increase on the advance call for the 2015 P&I renewal. The club circular points to an “encouraging claims background” and “continued financial strength” as the guiding factors for its decision. Adjustments in ‘excess of loss’ reinsurance costs will continue to be passed on to the members although there will be no increase in the ...

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