Britannia announce 7.5% minimum premium increase and an estimated 12% return on gross premiums

Britannia have now released their 2025/26 renewal circular with key highlights below: A minimum rise in P&I premiums of 7.5%, no minimum rise in FDD announced. A target additional 2.5% rise in overall Club income coming from remedial action for those accounts where 7.5% is not sufficient. Minimum P&I deductibles to increase as follows: Crew USD 10,000 (up from USD ...

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Gard announce 10% Owners General Discount and 4% target premium rise for 2025/26 renewal

Gard have released their 2025/26 renewal circular which targets a 4% premium increase on ETC and reveals a 10% OGD for Members renewing with the Club, thanks to the Club’s continued strong financial position. This is the 16th year in a row that capital has been returned to their mutual Members. The 4% target premium does not appear to be ...

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West of England announce 5% General Increase for owned mutual P&I entries. Premiums As Expiring for owned mutual FDD entries.

West have released their renewal circular for 2025/26 with the highlights being a 5% GI for owned mutual entries and premiums as expiring for owned mutual FDD entries. This is a result of an anticipated combined ratio of just over 100% at year end. Changes to the International Group Reinsurance rates will be passed on to Members as usual. Non-Mutual ...

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American Club target 7.5% premium increase on P&I and FDD and call for further unbudgeted supplementary calls for the 2020 and 2021 policy years.

The American Club have highlighted Geopolitical tensions, macroeconomic uncertainty, social inflation and volatile investment and commodity markets as concerns at the 2024/25 renewal. With that in mind the combined ratio has improved in relation to previous years at 95% for the policy year to November 2023. Investment returns have been anemic meaning that the Club’s free reserves will not have ...

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UK Club opts for a 7.5% General Increase

Following the Board’s financial review of the Club they have opted to apply a 7.5% general increase to all expiring mutual premium rates from 20 February 2024. This is not inclusive of any changes to the International Group Excess of Loss program which will be passed on to the mutual Members. The Club have also announced increases to deductibles with ...

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Japan P&I Club announces 7.5% General Increase for Mutual owned entries

Japan P&I Club have thanked their Membership for their support during the challenging 2023 renewal year whilst providing an update on the Club’s improved finances. Like other Clubs, Japan P&I have highlighted the difficulties encountered through increasing claims costs as well as the Russia Ukraine war. As a result the Club have announced a 7.5% general increase to apply to ...

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