Claims Alert – Fraudulent Bank Accounts (updated again 22 April 2016)

UPDATE 22 APRIL 2016 Further to our advices below, we have received another alert from the International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC), a specialist professional indemnity insurer for the transport industry, which shows that the fraudsters continue to find different and elaborate ways to deceive clients in the marine industry. The full circular is available here, but the ITIC specifically advise: ...

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Iran Sanctions lifted on 16 January 2016 aka Implementation Day (updated)

Further to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (“JCPOA”) agreed  on 14th July 2015, the EU and the United States agreed on 16th January 2016 to partially lift the nuclear-related sanctions against Iran. Whilst operators are certainly eager to engage in commercial activities with Iran, the 2nd largest economy in the region, it is critical first to review the extend ...

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Good news for shipowners as IG reinsurance rates down.

A combination of 4 years’ profits for International Group reinsurers, increased market capacity, increased risk retention by the Group’s captive, Hydra, and the use of a third multi-year fixed placement has enabled the Group to negotiate a successful renewal of the General Excess of Loss programme and the excess War P&I cover, resulting in rate reductions for shipowners and charterers ...

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Skuld 2016/7 Renewal Update announced

Skuld will continue to underwrite their 2016/7 policy renewals based on individual Member’s records rather than announcing a General Increase, so their announcement is different to other IG Clubs.  They  will pass on any changes in the IG GXL Reinsurance costs to Members when they are finalized. However, Skuld have announced their mutual Members will receive a guaranteed premium credit equivalent ...

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Latitude Brokers in Sailors’ Society epic 35km hike across Hong Kong on 5th December 2015

   BIG thanks to all our Corporate Sponsors who are now emblazoned across our shirts!!! Nepa, Waltons & Morse, India International Insurance, Ironshore, Thomas Miller, Skuld, TT Club, Affinity Shipping LLP, UK P&I Club, RPC, SART and Charterers Club…you’ve put us well on our way to our target of HKD125,000 (around GBP10,000)!! All the Founding Partners will be hiking on 5th December, with ...

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