London P&I Club will not seek any General Increase for 2018 renewal
The London P&I Club, managed by A. Bilbrough & Co, has announced they will be seeking a nil General Increase for the 2018/9 policy year in both P&I and FD&D classes. There will be an increase in deductibles of USD2000 for crew/people claims and USD1000 for all other deductibles. The Release Calls for open years have been amended to the ...
Continue ReadingSteamship Mutual announces nil General Increase for 2018 and return 10%
Following the Club’s Board meeting on 24 October, Steamship Mutual have announced there will be no General Increase for the 2018/9 policy year. The Club are also not seeking an increase to the minimum deductibles. In addition, the Club will return 10% of premium paid on P&I Mutual entries in 2015 policy year to Members, to be credited immediately in November ...
Continue ReadingBritannia returns USD10m to Members, and announces Nil General Increase for 2018
Further to Britannia Board meeting on 17 October, the Club has announced that they will not apply any General Increase on P&I and FD&D advance call at 2018 renewal. In addition, the Club will return a further USD10m to mutual Members, based on premium for ships on risk at midnight BST 17 October 2017. The Club has already redistributed USD20 ...
Continue ReadingWest of England announces nil General Increase for 2018
The West of England has announced they will be seeking a nil General Increase (referred to as a standard surcharge) for P&I and FD&D renewals in 2018. Group Reinsurance costs will be charged as fixed costs per GT as per existing practice. P&I deductibles will be increased by USD1000 to a minimum USD12,000 and individual entries that carry deductibles below that ...
Continue ReadingLatitude Brokers donates Time, Money and Energy to Sailors Society!
As a supporter of Sailors’ Society since we launched Latitude Brokers, we are raising money for them, for the third year in a row, by hiking 28kms across Hong Kong Island at the Ambassadors’ Trek in October 2017. In addition, we are on the organizing committee for the first time this year, so we are hoping for an excellent turnout and ...
Continue ReadingPress Release: Latitude Brokers opens Latitude Korea Ltd
Hong Kong, 3 July 2017– Latitude Brokers, the Asia based marine insurance specialist, has opened a liaison office in Seoul, Korea. Latitude’s office in Seoul will be their third in Asia, having opened in Hong Kong and Singapore in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Latitude Korea Ltd is wholly owned by Latitude Brokers Ltd and will be run by Mr SW ...
Continue ReadingFounding Partner Relocating to Singapore
We are pleased to announce that Tom Fulford-Smith will be relocating to our Singapore office with effect from 1st September 2017, subject to regulatory approval. Tom will join Charles D’Alton, growing our team to six staff in Singapore this year. Vanessa Toucas and Andrew Brooker will continue to run our Hong Kong office, with all four Founding Partners managing our ...
Continue ReadingInternational Group Reinsurance (GXL) Renewal 2017
The IG Clubs have completed the negotiations for the GXL renewal for the 2017 policy with a favourable result for owners. The IG Clubs pass on savings (and increases) to their Members at cost, so any reduction will translate directly to owner Members in their 2017 renewals. The Clubs increased their retention to USD10m at 20 February 2016 which remains ...
Continue ReadingSwedish Club announces nil General Increase for 2017
The Swedish Club has announced they will be seeking a nil General Increase for the 2017 renewals. The Club will not increase deductibles or make other changes to the cover, aside from increasing the FD&D limit to USD10m (up from USD5m). No further information was provided, but the full Circular can be found here.
Continue ReadingTradewinds Article 2 December 2016
We were recently featured in Tradewinds after the launch of
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