Skuld 2016/7 Renewal Update announced

Skuld will continue to underwrite their 2016/7 policy renewals based on individual Member’s records rather than announcing a General Increase, so their announcement is different to other IG Clubs.  They  will pass on any changes in the IG GXL Reinsurance costs to Members when they are finalized. However, Skuld have announced their mutual Members will receive a guaranteed premium credit equivalent ...

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Latitude Brokers in Sailors’ Society epic 35km hike across Hong Kong on 5th December 2015

   BIG thanks to all our Corporate Sponsors who are now emblazoned across our shirts!!! Nepa, Waltons & Morse, India International Insurance, Ironshore, Thomas Miller, Skuld, TT Club, Affinity Shipping LLP, UK P&I Club, RPC, SART and Charterers Club…you’ve put us well on our way to our target of HKD125,000 (around GBP10,000)!! All the Founding Partners will be hiking on 5th December, with ...

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Overview of 2016 IG P&I Club General Increases (Final)

The following is solely in respect of the Mutual P&I entries and excludes FD&D, fixed premium entries and charterer’s liability.  The headline General Increase numbers are as follows and will be updated as each Club announces: American Club – 2.5% Britannia – 2.5% Gard – 2.5% Japan – 3% London – 5% North of England – 2.5% Shipowners – 0% Skuld – (not applicable) ...

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UK Defence Club announces 2016 General Increase

The UK Defence Club, managed by Thomas Miller, has announced a nil General Increase for 2016.  The UK Defence Club is a specialist mutual solely providing FD&D cover for their members on a standalone basis. In addition, the Club is offering for the second year, a Continuity Credit (taken as a reduction from the quoted 2016/7 premium) to existing members ...

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