Cuban Sanctions – Cargo Insurance

Given the US and Cuba are restarting their diplomatic relationship, the sanctions that have been in place for over 50 years are anticipated to be softened and finally extinguished completely.  Whilst regular trade to/from Cuba has been complicated and rare until now, this is set to change and quickly – so how does is your insurance affected? Cargo Insurance Cargo insurances often (but ...

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Off-Spec Bunkers remain a major issue

The International Bunker Industry Association has recently announced their intentions to tackle the issue of off-spec bunkers through collaboration with owners, operators and suppliers. Whilst the figures appear to be improving, as 8% of bunkers tested in Q1 2015 have been found to be off-spec, down from 10% in the same period 2014, those figures remain high and cause substantial ...

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Reduction in the IG Excess Reinsurance Programme for 2015

Negotiations have been finalised for the International Group General Excess of Loss reinsurance contract and the favourable Pool claims experience for 2012, 2013 and 2014 policy years, have enabled the group to achieve rate reductions: minus 8.11% for clean and dirty tankers minus 6.05% for dry cargo vessels and no increase for passenger vessels and chartered entries. The Clubs apart from ...

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Our (very concise) View on P&I and H&M for 2015

We were kindly asked by Tradewinds to give a short overview of how we see the H&M and P&I market in 2015.  Here’s what we said in Tradewinds 9 January 2015 edition: “P&I The main themes for 2015 are diversification, regulatory effects, fixed premium and the Nairobi Convention.  Diversification of IG Clubs’ product base continues, the latest being Standard Syndicate ...

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Swedish Club receives A- rating from AM Best

The Swedish Club has received an upgrade from AM Best to an A- (Excellent) rating.  Standard & Poor’s reaffirmed it’s “BBB+” rating earlier this year, although they had raised their assessment of the Club’s capital adequacy and earnings to ‘strong’. At the same time, the London Club, managed by A Bilbrough, have received their first interactive rating of ‘BBB’ from ...

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