Swedish Club receives A- rating from AM Best

The Swedish Club has received an upgrade from AM Best to an A- (Excellent) rating.  Standard & Poor’s reaffirmed it’s “BBB+” rating earlier this year, although they had raised their assessment of the Club’s capital adequacy and earnings to ‘strong’. At the same time, the London Club, managed by A Bilbrough, have received their first interactive rating of ‘BBB’ from ...

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Skuld P&I Club announces 2015 ‘Premium Structure’

As in recent years, Skuld’s position with regard to General Increases is unique within the IG in that they believe in adjusting each Member’s base premium upon a number of factors rather than a General Increase which is then adjusted for record.  Those factors are as follows: i.     statistical records taking into account claim costs, types of claim, claims trends as ...

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UK Defence Club announces 2015 General Increase

The UK Defence Club, the specialist FD&D standalone mutual managed by Thomas Miller Defence Ltd, has announced there will be no General Increase for mutual FD&D entries for the 2015/6 policy year.  In addition, the Club has announced it will offer a Continuity Credit (taken as a reduction from the quoted 2015/6 premium) to existing members who renew in 2015/6 ...

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Hanseatic P&I to open in Shanghai

Hanseatic P&I, the Hamburg and London based specialist fixed premium P&I provider has been granted a licence to open an office in Shanghai.  The office will concentrate on claims and business development with the office having opened this month. This marks a further commitment to the Asia region, with Hanseatic staff speaking Mandarin and English to serve the local Chinese ...

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American P&I Club 2015 General Increase announced

The American Club has announced a 4.5% General Increase will apply to all mutual premium P&I entries in 2015.  This shall be placed against the Estimated Total Premium. The following classes will also be subject to a 4.5% General Increase: Mutual and Fixed premium FD&D Fixed premium P&I Damage to Hull (DTH) for charterers cover In addition, all deductibles will ...

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Standard P&I Club announces 2015 General Increase

The Standard Club has announced a 5% general increase will be applied to all mutual P&I premiums at the 2015 renewal.  All deductibles will increase by 10% and, importantly, the Club will now apply deductibles to correspondent’s, survey and legal fees.  A change to the Club Rules will be made to reflect this.  Steel pre-loading surveys will only be paid ...

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