Indian Ocean removed from the Piracy High Risk Area from 1st January 2023
Since 1st January 2023, the Indian Ocean (including the Gulf of Aden) has been removed from the High Risk Area for Piracy as defined by shipping bodies BIMCO, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International marine Contractors Association (IMCA), INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO and Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).
The Area removed is the High Risk Area as currently shown on UKHO Chart Q6099.

BMP5 reporting processes and the presence of international naval forces remain in place until further notice.
The removal of the Indian Ocean from the Piracy HRA means that additional costs for safety and insurance of the vessels and for crew whilst transiting the Indian Ocean do not qualify for reimbursement by the Charterers as per Bimco Piracy Clause for Time Charter Parties.
However the area remains a War Listed Area under JWLA030 as defined below:
Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden and Southern Red Sea
The waters enclosed by the following boundaries:
a) On the northwest, by the Red Sea, south of Latitude 15° N
b) on the northeast, from the Yemen border at 16°38.5’N, 53°6.5’E to high seas
point 14°55’N, 53°50’E
c) on the east, by a line from high seas point 14°55’N, 53°50’E to high seas point
10°48’N, 60°15’E, thence to high seas point 6°45’S, 48°45’E
d) and on the southwest, by the Somalia border at 1°40’S, 41°34’E, to high seas
point 6°45’S, 48°45’E
excepting coastal waters of adjoining territories up to 12 nautical miles offshore unless
otherwise provided.

Therefore transit through this area should be advised to War Underwriters and War Additional Premium will be charged to Owners, and passed down to Charterers (according to the Charter Party).
Another area of concern regarding maritime Piracy is of course Gulf of Guinea:
- Piracy High Risk Area map as illustrated by the Norwegian Maritime Authority

- War Listed Area as per JWLA030: