Thank you to all our guests for joining Latitude at the Maritime Museum for a great evening. We were delighted to see so many friendly faces and are very grateful to all of you who have traveled from afar to share that unique event with us.

The party was held in the permanent exhibition viewing gallery, which displays unique artefacts and paintings relating to the maritime history and activity of Hong Kong. Over 100 shipowners, shipmanagers, underwriters, lawyers and professionals from the marine industry came and shared a glass of champagne and delicious canapes whilst enjoying the stunning night views across Hong Kong Harbour.

Our partners from the Cooper Gay Group were present, including Toby Esser, CEO of Cooper Gay Swett and Crawford, Rudi Hansel, CEO of Junge in Germany and Stephen Barton, CEO of Marine and Aerospace at Cooper Gay London. Toby reiterated the Group’s commitment to the Asia-Pacific region and was reminiscent of his own start-up experience in New York some years back, choosing desks and plugging phone lines !

Thank you again from the Latitude team to all present on Wednesday, and for your continuous support.

