Skuld P&I Club announces 2015 ‘Premium Structure’
As in recent years, Skuld’s position with regard to General Increases is unique within the IG in that they believe in adjusting each Member’s base premium upon a number of factors rather than a General Increase which is then adjusted for record. Those factors are as follows:
i. statistical records taking into account claim costs, types of claim, claims trends as well as claims frequency;
ii. type and age of vessels and fleet composition/development;
iii. claims inflation due to increased levels of compensations awarded to claimants and increased legal and expert costs in defending your claims;
iv. premiums have to be “adjusted accordingly independent of statistical records” to take in to account the rising cost of claims as detailed in iii. above;
v. premium will be adjusted to ensure an adequate mutual level of contribution towards the larger claims within the Club’s retention below the Pool;
vi. a proportion of the Club’s overall Pool claims under the Pooling Agreement;
vii. IG Excess of Loss Reinsurance costs will be added, per other Clubs.
All of the above factors are taken in to account by the IG Clubs (and indeed any P&I insurer), the difference being that iv. above is detailed by other Clubs as a General Increase.
All standard deductibles will increase by USD2500 from 20 February 2015 Owners Mutual P&I/FDD, Owners Fixed P&I/FDD and Charterers P&I/FDD.
Full details of the Club’s circular can be found here.