London P&I Club levies Supplementary calls
The Club’s Board has decided to call for unbudgeted supplementary calls on the last 3 open policy years (2019, 2020 and 2021) in order to address the underwriting deficit, which have resulted in combined loss ratios of 137% in 2019/20 and 136.7% in 2020/21. This is the first time since 2008 that the London Club raises Supplementary calls. The Club ...
Continue ReadingLondon P&I Club set General Increase at 10% for 2021
The Club’s Board has set the General Increase at 10% for renewals of their P&I and FD&D classes in February 2021, and will review individual entries for further adjustment as necessary. All P&I deductible will increase by at least USD2,000, and more depending on individual records. Release calls are updated as follows: 2018/19: 5% for P&I and FD&D 2019/20: 12.5% ...
Continue ReadingSkuld update for 2021 renewal
Skuld’s objective for 2021 renewal is to improve the mutual underwriting performance, and the Club has confirmed that as per the past 10 years, they will review entries individually to ensure sustainability of the Members’ portfolio. Release calls are set as follows: 2018/19: 7.5% 2019/20: 10% 2020/21: 15% 2021/22: 15% Full details of Skuld renewal update is available in their ...
Continue ReadingNorth of England announces 7.5% GI for 2020 renewals
The Board of the Club has decided that a 7.5% general increase on P&I and FD&D premium is necessary for 2020 policy year to address the premium erosion and increased claims environment. The Circular doesn’t make reference to any particular uplift in standard deductibles. The Club’s circular is available on their website as well as the Pre-renewal report.
Continue ReadingThe American P&I Club levies supplementary calls on back years at 2020 renewal
The Club’s board has decided that a standardized increase for 2020 is not the way for the Club to address the need to improve underwriting results , given the difference in risk profile and current premium level of their membership. The Club will however seek to achieve an increase in premium for 2020, based on individual profile. The Club is ...
Continue ReadingGard confirms Nil GI for 2020
Gard’s board of directors have decided that no General Increase was necessary for 2020 Owners mutual entries., with last instalment set at 20% of ETC. The Club confirms 20% reduction in ETC for policy year 2016 and 2017, whilst 2018 is expected to be closed with 10% reduction on ETC. Last premium installment for 2019 remains 20% of ETC at ...
Continue ReadingStandard Club sets GI at 7.5% for 2020
The Board of the Standard Club has re-affirmed their commitment to the concept of General Increase and as set a 7.5% GI on Members’ P&I ETP for 2020, with 10% increase on deductibles, or USD2,000 whichever is the highest. FD&D will also see an uplift of 7.5% as GI for February 2020 renewal. 2018/19 and 2019/20 ETP remain unchanged, as ...
Continue ReadingAt a Glance – 2019/20 P&I General Increase
The following is solely in respect of the Mutual P&I entries and excludes FD&D, fixed premium entries and charterer’s liability. The headline General Increase numbers are as follows and will be updated as each Club announces – click on each Club’s link to see the full GI announcement or use for real time data comparison: American Club – 0% for ...
Continue ReadingJapan P&I Club confirms Nil General Increase
The Japan P&I Club has decided that no general increase will be applied on P&I and FD&D entries, and that premium will be adjusted according to their individual loss record. Release calls and supplementary calls for the open policy years are updated as follows: 2016/17: 5% release call, no further supplementary call 2017/18: 5% release call, 40% estimated supplementary call ...
Continue ReadingThe Swedish Club announces Nil General Increase for 2019 renewal
The Club’s board anticipates the current underwriting year to be in balance and therefore to continue supporting their Members, they have advised that no general increase will be sought for 2019 P&I renewal. They want to ensure however that premiums are commensurate with exposure, and therefore Members’ premium will be adjusted according to individual exposure. The Club’s release calls remain ...
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