Skuld update for 2021 renewal

Skuld’s objective for 2021 renewal is to improve the mutual underwriting performance, and the Club has confirmed that as per the past 10 years, they will review entries individually to ensure sustainability of the Members’ portfolio. Release calls are set as follows: 2018/19: 7.5% 2019/20: 10% 2020/21: 15% 2021/22: 15% Full details of Skuld renewal update is available in their ...

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The Swedish Club announces Nil General Increase for 2019 renewal

The Club’s board anticipates the current underwriting year to be in balance and therefore to continue supporting their Members, they have advised that no general increase will be sought for 2019 P&I renewal. They want to ensure however that premiums are commensurate with exposure, and therefore  Members’ premium will be adjusted according to individual exposure. The Club’s release calls remain ...

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