Singapore Insurance market – recent moves

As we “predicted” in our earlier blog, the ongoing consolidation would give rise to further changes and create opportunities for new leaders to emerge as well as new entrants to the Asian market continuing to focus on Singapore as their base. At the Lloyd’s new office opening party in Singapore recently, there were over 300 underwriters and brokers, many of ...

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Latitude speaking on panels at 3rd Asia Marine Insurance Conference, 12-13 October

We are pleased to be involved with the 3rd Asia Marine Insurance Conference, being held on 12/13 October at the Excelsior Hotel in Hong Kong.  Some of the industry’s most senior underwriters will be there offering their views on the industry. Charles D’Alton will be on the P&I panel and Andrew Brooker will be on both the Owner’s panel and ...

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Press Release: Total Objects Provides Specialist Insurance Software to Latitude Brokers

GLOBAL XB solution creates an infrastructure to allow Latitude to manage clients, premiums, claims, IBA and compliance. LONDON, 04 August 2015- Specialist insurance software provider, Total Objects, has been chosen by Latitude Brokers, the insurance brokers specialising in the shipping, offshore and supply chain industries across Asia, to help create a robust and technologically advanced infrastructure to manage clients, premiums, claims, ...

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The New Marine Insurance Act 2015 (sadly now just called the Insurance Act 2015)

It’s fair to say that Marine Insurance isn’t well known for its rapid evolutionary pace. The Marine Insurance Act 1906 codified in law the practices at the time, which themselves dated back another 200 years in some parts.  ‘Fast’ forward another 110 years and the new Insurance Act 2015 (no longer the Marine Insurance Act) will finally become law in ...

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Construction Projects – what’s the Marine connection?

Almost every week there is news of a commitment to finance construction projects around the world, either at a governmental level or through private investment. For most large multi-year projects, the necessary materials are not available domestically and have to be shipped in from around the world in a complex logistical operation, with each component arriving at the project site just ...

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Cuban Sanctions – Cargo Insurance

Given the US and Cuba are restarting their diplomatic relationship, the sanctions that have been in place for over 50 years are anticipated to be softened and finally extinguished completely.  Whilst regular trade to/from Cuba has been complicated and rare until now, this is set to change and quickly – so how does is your insurance affected? Cargo Insurance Cargo insurances often (but ...

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Reduction in the IG Excess Reinsurance Programme for 2015

Negotiations have been finalised for the International Group General Excess of Loss reinsurance contract and the favourable Pool claims experience for 2012, 2013 and 2014 policy years, have enabled the group to achieve rate reductions: minus 8.11% for clean and dirty tankers minus 6.05% for dry cargo vessels and no increase for passenger vessels and chartered entries. The Clubs apart from ...

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