Shipowners P&I Club 2016 General Increase announced
The Shipowners Club, P&I specialists in smaller tonnage, have announced that there will be no General Increase again in 2016/7. The Club have not announced any changes to their standard deductibles and there will continue to be no Release Calls. The Club’s announcement can be found here or on their website.
Continue ReadingGard P&I Club 2016 General Increase announced
Gard has announced a 2.5% general increase on their Advanced Call, with the Deferred Call remaining at 25% for both P&I and FD&D. Any changes to IG Reinsurance costs will be charged in addition to the GI. In addition, deductibles below the standard deductibles set out in the Rules will be increased by USD1000. Release Call percentages for open P&I policy ...
Continue ReadingBritannia P&I Club General Increase 2016 announced
Britannia P&I Club, managed by Tindall Riley, has announced an 2.5% general increase on the Advance Call for the 2016 P&I renewal, with the Deferred Call remaining at 45%. Adjustments in ‘excess of loss’ reinsurance costs will continue to be passed on to the members although there will be no increase in the minimum deductibles required. In addition, the Club ...
Continue ReadingLondon P&I Club General Increase 2016 announced
A Bilbrough & Co, managers of the London P&I Club have announced a general increase of 5% on P&I and FD&D premium at the 2016 renewal. In addition, as per previous years, any change in the International Group reinsurance premium will be charged at cost to Members. The Club is increasing deductibles by USD2000 this year, after the same increase for deductibles below ...
Continue ReadingUK P&I Club General Increase 2016 announced
At their recent meeting the Directors of the UK P&I Club have agreed on a general increase of 2.5% on P&I premium at the 2016 renewal. In addition, as per previous years, any change in the International Group reinsurance premium will be charged at cost to Members. The Club is maintaining the standard deductible at USD10,000 with no change this year. ...
Continue ReadingIndian Ocean Piracy High Risk Area reduced from 1 December 2015
BIMCO has announced a reduction in the Piracy High Risk Area for transiting the Indian Ocean effective from 1st December 2015, per the below map. BMP4 (the latest advisory on anti-piracy measures) will now only be applicable when a vessel enters the reduced area, which is defined by the following boundaries: In the Red Sea: Latitude 15oN In the Gulf of ...
Continue ReadingLatitude completes MBO, becomes fully independent
We are very pleased to announce that we have finalized terms with CGSC to purchase their shareholding and become fully independent as of 8th October 2015. Latitude CGSC Press Release 9 Oct 2015 We are very excited about the opportunities this brings to us as a business, for our clients and for future growth opportunities. There will be no change ...
Continue ReadingLatitude completes MBO, becomes fully independent
We are very pleased to announce that we have finalized terms with CGSC to purchase their shareholding and become fully independent as of 8th October 2015. Latitude CGSC Press Release 9 Oct 2015 We are very excited about the opportunities this brings to us as a business, for our clients and for future growth opportunities. There will be no change ...
Continue ReadingLatitude speaking on panels at 3rd Asia Marine Insurance Conference, 12-13 October
We are pleased to be involved with the 3rd Asia Marine Insurance Conference, being held on 12/13 October at the Excelsior Hotel in Hong Kong. Some of the industry’s most senior underwriters will be there offering their views on the industry. Charles D’Alton will be on the P&I panel and Andrew Brooker will be on both the Owner’s panel and ...
Continue ReadingAmerican Club latest to diversify in to H&M
The American P&I Club, managed by the Shipowners Claims Bureau Inc, is the latest P&I Club to diversify into the hull and machinery market. Shipowners Claims Bureau (SCB) have announced the opening of the American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company, based in Cyprus, but underwriting from Piraeus. SCB have joined with the Hellenic Hull Mutual and, subject to regulatory approval, will move their ...
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