Indian Ocean Piracy High Risk Area reduced from 1 December 2015

BIMCO has announced a reduction in the Piracy High Risk Area for transiting the Indian Ocean effective from 1st December 2015, per the below map. BMP4 (the latest advisory on anti-piracy measures) will now only be applicable when a vessel enters the reduced area, which is defined by the following boundaries: In the Red Sea: Latitude 15oN In the Gulf of ...

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Latitude speaking on panels at 3rd Asia Marine Insurance Conference, 12-13 October

We are pleased to be involved with the 3rd Asia Marine Insurance Conference, being held on 12/13 October at the Excelsior Hotel in Hong Kong.  Some of the industry’s most senior underwriters will be there offering their views on the industry. Charles D’Alton will be on the P&I panel and Andrew Brooker will be on both the Owner’s panel and ...

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American Club latest to diversify in to H&M

The American P&I Club, managed by the Shipowners Claims Bureau Inc, is the latest P&I Club to diversify into the hull and machinery market. Shipowners Claims Bureau (SCB) have announced the opening of the American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company, based in Cyprus, but underwriting from Piraeus.  SCB have joined with the Hellenic Hull Mutual and, subject to regulatory approval, will move their ...

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