International Group announce 2025/26 GXL rises – Container ship operators hit hardest

The International Group have announced the finalised Group Excess of Loss (GXL) reinsurance structure and pricing for the 2025/26 policy year. As expected the rates have been heavily impacted by a high level of pool claim activity, most obviously with the Dali allision claim with the Baltimore Bridge. The structure of the programme remains unchanged from the 2023/24 policy year ...

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War Risks Notice of Cancellation issued by P&I and Charterers Liability Clubs, effective 20 February 2024

All International Group Clubs as well as fixed premium Charterer’s Liability insurers are now issuing Notices of Cancellation (NOC) on P&I and Charterer’s Liability War Risks effective from 20 February 2024 for any vessels transiting or trading in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean (as detailed below).  The covers affected include, but may not be limited ...

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Rate Reductions Announced as the IG Reinsurance Programme Details are Released for 2024/25 Policy Year

The International Group (IG) Reinsurance Programme details have been announced and they include welcome rate reductions for all vessel types. The largest reductions are seen in the Passenger Vessel and Dirty Tanker categories at 12.5% and 7.5% reductions respectively with smaller reductions given in the Clean Tanker, Dry Cargo and Container Vessel categories. The full table can be found below: ...

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2023/2024 IG Reinsurance contract structure finalized

The IG’s Reinsurance Committee has now announced the GXL reinsurance contract for 2023/24 policy year has been finalized with rates as follows: Persistent Oil tankers + 3% / $0.6663/GT Clean Tankers +10.5% / $0.4051/GT Dry +6.2% / $0.5991/GT Containerships +10.5% / $0.7277/GT Passenger +0% / $3.8677/GT Chartered Tankers +7.5% / $0.3128 Chartered dries +7.5% / $0.1526/GT Malicious Cyber, Covid-19 and ...

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Shipowners P&I Club seeks 5% GI for 2022

The Shipowners P&I Club has announced 5% General Increase in Premiums for 2022 renewal, in line with last year’s position. Members with adverse records will face risk specific adjustments but as per previous years, the Club will continue to absorb any change in the IG GXL reinsurance programme, notwithstanding the significant increase anticipated. The Club is maintaining its approach of ...

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