Gard will seek premium increases but no GI

Gard has determined that whilst P&I premiums will have to be increased for 2022 policy year, they will not apply a General Increase at 20 February, but instead they will adjust individual rates based on risk and claim performance. Notwithstanding the increase, the Club will provide a 5% Owners’ General Discount on the thus agreed 2022 ETC. Any increase in ...

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Japan P&I Club announces 10% GI for 2022

The Japan P&I Club has announced 10% General increase on P&I Advance Call rates and FD&D premiums for 2022 renewal, with estimated supplementary calls set at 40% for P&I and 20% for FD&D as per previous years. Charterers entries will also be subject to 10% General Increase in Premium. In addition Members’ rates will be adjusted according to their own ...

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Standard Club announces 12.5% GI for 2022

The Club will pursue its strategy towards sustainable underwriting results, and have therefore announced a 12.5% General increase on Members’ P&I and FD&D rates for 2022 Policy year, as well as 10% increase of all P&I deductibles, subject to a minimum increase on crew and cargo deductibles of USD2,500 and on collision and FFO of USD7,500. Entries will be reviewed ...

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Shipowners P&I Club seeks 5% GI for 2022

The Shipowners P&I Club has announced 5% General Increase in Premiums for 2022 renewal, in line with last year’s position. Members with adverse records will face risk specific adjustments but as per previous years, the Club will continue to absorb any change in the IG GXL reinsurance programme, notwithstanding the significant increase anticipated. The Club is maintaining its approach of ...

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