Filhet-Allard Maritime acquires controlling stake in Latitude Brokers

PRESS RELEASE – 8 December 2021  FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION Media Contacts:  Saraid Mc Carrick – Filhet-Allard Maritime +33 5 57 53 39 05 [email protected] Andrew Brooker – Latitude Brokers +852 2154 2253 [email protected] Filhet-Allard Maritime acquires controlling stake in Latitude Brokers  Bordeaux & Hong Kong, December 8th, 2021 Filhet-Allard Maritime, the France-based leading insurance broker for the commodities trading, shipping ...

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Gard will seek premium increases but no GI

Gard has determined that whilst P&I premiums will have to be increased for 2022 policy year, they will not apply a General Increase at 20 February, but instead they will adjust individual rates based on risk and claim performance. Notwithstanding the increase, the Club will provide a 5% Owners’ General Discount on the thus agreed 2022 ETC. Any increase in ...

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Japan P&I Club announces 10% GI for 2022

The Japan P&I Club has announced 10% General increase on P&I Advance Call rates and FD&D premiums for 2022 renewal, with estimated supplementary calls set at 40% for P&I and 20% for FD&D as per previous years. Charterers entries will also be subject to 10% General Increase in Premium. In addition Members’ rates will be adjusted according to their own ...

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